Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning

Reckoning se queda sin parches

"Haría falta un milagro"


Una de las noticias más impactantes y desagradables de la semana pasada fue la quiebra de 38 Studios y la empresa subsidiaria Big Huge Games, con el consecuente despido de toda la plantilla.

Como resultado del cierre, no se producirán parches o actualizaciones para el juego de rol Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning. La confirmación oficial ha aparecido en los foros oficiales del juego. Este es el mensaje original en inglés de Ian S. Frazier:

"Hey folks!

Today was a rough day at the studio. After a long stretch of difficult circumstances, things finally came to a head, and this afternoon, we on the Reckoning team down in Maryland began to pack up our offices and say our goodbyes.

Before heading off to wherever I may land next, I first wanted to drop a quick word to you folks, the Reckoning community.

First, I just wanted to say thanks for all the well wishes today--this has been a pretty horrible time for those of us at both BHG and 38 Studios Providence--and we greatly appreciate the great display of compassion throughout the fanbase.

Second, on behalf of the Baltimore studio in particular, I just wanted to thank you all very much for your support over the past year, and for your enthusiasm for Reckoning. It has been truly humbling.

Third, I wanted to apologize for the lack of a patch for Reckoning. It's something we very much wanted to do, but various issues outside our control (which unfortunately I'm not at liberty to disclose) prevented us from doing so for a long time. Finally we received clearance to do a PC-only patch, which wasn't ideal (we wanted to do a patch on all platforms) but it was better than nothing. So we commenced working on that--working on everything from miscellaneous bug fixes to Joe Q's addition of new camera features to Dakota's addition of two new difficulty modes...but before we finished, the company collapsed. Now, barring some sort of miracle, it is highly unlikely that any patch for Reckoning will ever see the light of day. I am deeply sorry that we were unable to get a patch out the door sooner, before this catastrophe struck--you supported us, and you deserve the support yourselves. While I consider Reckoning a very strong game and not especially buggy, that's not the same as saying that it's perfectly balanced or bug-free, and it kills me that I'll never get the chance to correct any of its issues.

Once more, on behalf of Big Huge Games and the Reckoning development team, thank you for everything, and take care!"

Como cita Frazier, no habrá parches adicionales "salvo milagro". El mensaje refleja el fastidio del equipo por no poder seguir mejorando el juego, motivo por el que ofrecen sus disculpas.

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning

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